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Many Years of Experience
G. David Biddle, AIF® founded Biddle Capital Management (BCM) in 1996 after several very successful years at a traditional sales based financial firm. BCM was started to focus on fee based investment and financial advice that was focused on the client. Dave was an advocate for the fiduciary concept that was budding in the late 1990’s. The early client focus was on retirees and pre-retirees to provide them with independent client focused advice for a secure future.
As the fiduciary concept grew and the investment management process at BCM matured there was an obvious link with ERISA 401(k) retirement plan management. Dave was one of a limited number of advisors who were serving retirement plans as a fiduciary. Eventually BCM Retirement Solutions was established as a division of BCM to support and help manage 401(k) plans. A specific division was needed to develop and support all the complex fiduciary requirements of retirement plans. After the 2006 ERISA law amendments that brought 403(b) plans into similar compliance with 401(k) plans, Dave began to educate and assist nonprofit 403(b) plan sponsors in upgrading their plans.
The BCM fiduciary investment management process that started in 1996 has been upgraded and improved upon as tools and fiduciary concepts have developed. The BCM fiduciary process is used for both individual clients and retirement plan clients today resulting in advice and management that is independent and client focused.
Recent Speaking Events
- Brandywine 403(b) workshop – founder and presenter
- Delaware Association of Independent Schools
- Pennsylvania Association of Independent School Business Officers Association
- Brandywine 401(k) workshop – presenter
- Various presentations for CPA and Legal firms in the mid-Atlantic region
Certifications & Awards
- Author – Managing Retirement Plans to Meet Today’s Challenges – 2016
- Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®)
- Multi Year awards for 5 Star Wealth Manager
- Various presentations for CPA and Legal firms in the mid-Atlantic region

The Retirement Plan Compliance Quiz
Gain more of an idea of what needs to be done to be sure your plans have low legal risks and your employees have high satisfaction rates.